If you’re the kind of person who thrives on the thought of discovering something new, then you’re going to love going on a fungi-hunting trip to Myanmar. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the name, Myanmar is a South Asian country that is bordered by Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. This Southeast Asian country is home to some of the most unusual and beautiful plants on Earth.
What’s Available As A Pick-And-Mix Fungi Trip?
Fungi are not like flowers or other plants where you can just head to the country and find a local expert to tell you what you’re looking at. Myanmar is such an old country that not many people are aware of its fungi. For example, there are no less than 77 species of mushroom, including burma shrooms, found in Myanmar and many people are unaware of them.
Top Fungi Shoots To Have In Your Pouch
Delta Pine – This is the shoot that we all start with, and for a good reason. Delta Pine is wildly recognizable and easy to identify. You will see it everywhere in Myanmar, especially in the highlands. It’s one of the most common tree species in the country and is also used to make furniture.
Tiger Lily – Tigers is one of Myanmar’s most iconic creatures, and the tiger lily is their national flower. The tiger lily is common in the foothills, valleys, and forests of central Myanmar. It can sometimes be found in great concentrations near rivers and waterfalls.
Banana Yew – The banana yew is another tree that is easily identified thanks to its distinctive leaves. This species is only found in tropical forests, but there are a few lucky souls who have seen it in the wild near the town of Hsipaw.
Ironwood – Ironwood is found in the mountains of the Chin and Rakhine States. While the trees in your back garden might not be able to identify them, most people will recognize them when they see them.
What Does A Fungus Look Like?
Fungi can come in many shapes and sizes, and while some resemble plants, they are different organisms.Some of the common species you are likely to encounter on your trip include:
Yellow Wood Ear – The yellow wood ear is one of the most commonly found mushrooms in Myanmar, but it’s almost impossible to spot without a botanist’s guide. It can be found in sandy soil near the sea or damp forests.
White Beech – The white beech can be found in the northern mountain forests, mainly in Kachin and Shan States. It’s identifiable by its white-colored trunk.
Lion’s Mane – The lion’s mane is a common sight in the gardens of Karen and Mon States. You will know it when you see it, as it resembles a small giant foxtail.
Conclusion: What’s So Special About Myanmar’s Fungi?
Simply put, Myanmar’s fungi are some of the most recognizable and photogenic fungi in the entire world. While Thailand and Japan are known for their brightly colored fungi, most of the Myanmar fungi are small, discreet, and often blend into their surroundings. Once you get to know the various species, they can be very rewarding to hunt for.